Practice Your Faith

In the bustling world we live in, there is a widespread tendency to believe that our faith operates as a cosmic transaction, influencing the divine to work miracles on our behalf. It's as though we hold the key to summoning divine intervention through the sheer strength of our faith. However, let's unravel a profound truth: faith doesn't cause God to act; instead, it's a gateway to tuning into the ever-present presence of the Divine within us. In this spiritual journey, we'll explore the notion that faith is the conduit for releasing the dormant spiritual potential that already resides within our being.

The Inner Kingdom:

Isaiah's wisdom beautifully encapsulates this concept with the profound statement, "Before they call, I will answer" (Isaiah 65:24). It suggests that even before we consciously recognize our needs, the solutions are already embedded within the inner kingdom of our being. Faith, then, becomes the tool for uncovering the eternal truth that we are already complete and possess an endless reservoir of creative ideas and opportunities in every moment. Imagine, everything we could ever desire, whether it's love, abundance, vitality, or wholeness, is within us, waiting for us to embrace faith and unlock God's blessings into our lives.

The Evolution of Faith:

It's a common misconception to assume that spiritual luminaries like Jesus were born with a complete understanding of the divine. However, the Bible paints a different picture. It reveals that Jesus too "grew in wisdom and stature" – a testament to his growing awareness of God.

The Omni-Presence of God:

St. Augustine's profound statement, "God is like a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere," encapsulates the omnipresence of the Divine. God permeates every nook and cranny of the universe, including you and me. Consider that God is as centered within you as the ocean is centered within a wave. It means that God's presence is as accessible to us as it was to Jesus, Moses, Krishna, or any other spiritual teacher. The difference, however, lies in our degree of alignment with God. Our calling is not to question God's presence within us but to enhance our awareness of it and embrace the unwavering faith that icons like Jesus exemplified. Remember Jesus' words, "The works that I do you can do and even greater…"

The Practice of Faith:

To manifest the fullness of God's kingdom in our lives, we must practice faith. Just as Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, and Moses had to nurture their spiritual awareness, so too must we. Our potential as children of God isn't defined by whether God is centered within us – that's a given. It's about the extent to which we center ourselves in God. We can embark on a transformative journey to develop our faith-filled attitude and claim our inheritance as children of God, right here and right now – living "on earth as it is in heaven."


In the journey of life, faith serves as our guiding light, a beacon illuminating the path to realizing our spiritual potential. It's not a means to command God but a way to connect with the ever-present divine within us. As we continue to nurture our faith, just as the great spiritual leaders did, we unlock the kingdom of God in all facets of our existence. It requires practice, dedication, and a deep trust in the wisdom of ages past. Let us be inspired by their faith and manifest our divine inheritance on this earthly plane.


 Discovering the Inner Truth: A Journey Within
